Optical Measuring Systems | surcon 3D Surface Inspection of Heavy Plate 2/6 Conquer the Next Dimension with Us! LEARN MORE ABOUT YOUR PROCESS! Data is knowledge – important process knowledge that you can use effectively to optimise your production. The IMS surcon 3D surface inspection system provides insights for the first time that have not been possible in this form and at these process stages before. It reliably detects various types of surface defects. Thanks to the three-dimensional approach, exact information on the depth of the defects becomes known. This means it can be evaluated and classified objectively. OUR CO 2 FOOTPRINT IS BALANCED! Use the data obtained by our systems to conserve resources effectively! We also take responsibility for our environment. An independent body has confirmed that IMS Messsysteme GmbH is a climate neutral company! Find out more at: https://www.imsocial.info/ Responsible use of the resources available to us is becoming more and more fundamental for our environment. An important approach to solving this problem is to start quality control as early as possible. Our systems deliver results immediately – even in a hot state. Long cooling times for manual inspections are therefore no longer necessary. Surface inspection in an O-frame with a measuring field more than 5 metres wide Product Information | 09/2020 | © IMS Messsysteme GmbH | info@ims-gmbh.de | www.ims-gmbh.de
Optical Measuring Systems | surcon 3D Surface Inspection of Heavy Plate 3/6 3D Is More Than Just Seeing! SURFACE DEFECTS MADE VISIBLE IN 3D The performance of conventional surface inspection systems for heavy plate is very limited. They cannot reliably detect and classify surface defects determined solely on the basis of brightness information. Only the additional height information – the third dimension – makes surface defects visible and allows their consistently reliable detection and classification on heavy plate. Where previously it was only possible to speculate, our system now delivers clearly defined and reliable results. The defect is already visible in the 2D image OBJECTIVE ASSESSMENT OF DEFECT DEPTH Often it is not only the type of defect that is decisive for the quality decision. Surface defects up to a certain depth may still be tolerable – deeper ones, on the other hand, require cost-intensive reworking or lead to blocking of the end product. The 3D height information enables a reliable assessment of the defects. Where otherwise time-consuming, manual remeasurement would be necessary, the system can provide objective bases for decisions already during the inspection and evaluate these fully automatically. MAKE USE OF THE RESULTS OBTAINED! Numerous setting options allow optimal adaptation to your individual needs. The results can be analysed and evaluated directly. Decide online which plates meet your quality requirements and which need to be reworked. Go one step further! Control the rework (e.g. grinding or scarfing) fully automatically based on our results. The possibilities are numerous and we support you flexibly in implementation. The 3D image, however, enables a more reliable detection and objective assessment of the defect on the basis of its depth Product Information | 09/2020 | © IMS Messsysteme GmbH | info@ims-gmbh.de | www.ims-gmbh.de